Differential Gene Expression of Polygonal Cells and Cuboidal Cells in So-called Pulmonary Sclerosing Hemangioma 所谓肺硬化性血管瘤中的两种主要细胞的基因表达差异及意义
It is probably a carcinoma because of the polygonal nature of the cells. 这可能是一种源于多形性细胞的一种癌。
This is the microscopic appearance of squamous cell carcinoma with nests of polygonal cells with pink cytoplasm and distinct cell borders. 鳞状细胞癌,癌组织有由多边形细胞组成的癌巢,多边形细胞边界清楚,胞质为粉红色。
The junctions between well-differentiated polygonal carcinoma cells were connected with the cytoplasmic processes. 分化较好的多角形癌细胞以胞浆突起相连接。
Nuclei of hypothalamus in chichen are mostly consisted of triangular cells, circular cells, olivary cells, shuttle cells and a few polygonal cells, but the rate of appearance of bigger cells in nucleus supraopticus and nucleus paraventricularis hypothalamica is more than other ones of hypothalamicus. 鸡下丘脑核团细胞主要由小型的三角形细胞、圆形细胞、卵圆形细胞、梭形细胞以及少量的多边形细胞组成,视上核和室旁核内大型细胞的出现率相对高于下丘脑其它核团。
Results HMSCs gradually transformed into spindle-shaped, round, polygonal or irregular cells after induction. 结果HMSCs经诱导向肝样细胞转化,变成纺锤形、不规则圆形或多角形细胞。
It was suggested that SH is an epithelial neoplasm derived from primitive respiratory epithelium. The different expressions of CK and EMA on surface and polygonal cells may present variable differentiation from a progenitor cell. 提示SH起源于原始呼吸道上皮,而CK和EMA在这两种细胞表达的差异可能代表了它们不同分化的差异。
Conclusion It is concluded that cuboidal cells of PSH may be the hyperplastic type ⅱ alveolar cells, whereas polygonal cells are true tumor cells lacking the E-cadherin/ catenin complex which is expressed in well differentiated epithelial cells. 结论PSH中的立方细胞可能是增生的Ⅱ型肺泡细胞,而多角形细胞为肿瘤的实质细胞且缺乏分化成熟的上皮细胞所具有的E-cadherin/catenin复合体。
Effects of infrasound on activities of 3-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase of polygonal cells in adrenal cortex zona fasciculate in mice 次声对小鼠肾上腺皮质束状带多边形细胞3-β羟甾脱氢酶和酸性磷酸酶的影响
The formation of polygonal fault is associated with early compaction of sediments and fluid expulsion. The cells were polygonal in shape. 它的形成与沉积物的早期压实作用和流体排出作用有关。培养的细胞为多边形。
Results: Primary cultured RPE cells contained large amount of pigments in polygonal shape. Passages of cultured RPE cells presented transparent spindle shape. 结果:原代培养的RPE细胞含大量色素呈多角形,传代的细胞透明呈梭形。
Results: The culture cells of embedding in situ revealed distinctly polygonal cells, spindle cells that cell junction were well retained on ultrathin sectioning. 结果:原位包埋方法的超薄切片可以清楚地显现细胞为多角形梭形,细胞连接保持良好。
The parenchyma of tumor was composed of round to polygonal epithelial-like cell ( neoplastic chief cells) and spindle sustentacular cells. 肿瘤实质由上皮样主细胞及短梭形支持细胞组成,间质为丰富的血窦样小血管,后者将实质细胞分隔成大小不一的实性细胞巢(细胞球)。
The other major cell component polygonal stromal cells were strongly positive to vimentin and TTF 1, and positive or weakly positive to 2 or 3 neuroendocrine markers in each case. Sparse neuroendocrine granulae and abundant microtubules were observed in cytoplasm of the cells. 多角形的间质细胞呈vimentin和TTF1强阳性,而且每例均可见到2~3种神经内分泌标记呈阳性或散在阳性,胞浆内可见散在的神经内分泌颗粒和多量的微管。
Results: Cultured corneal endothelial cells of rabbits were hexagonal or polygonal and formed a compact monolayer. The cultured cells appeared to maintain the morphologic characteristics of endothelial cells in vivo. 结果:4种方法培养的兔角膜内皮细胞均呈单层密集生长,形态为六角形或多边形,具有活体细胞的形态特征。
A kind of thin, polygonal liver cells with one or two round or oval and deeply stained nuclei frequently stained strongly positive. 双核、多倍体细胞、小叶及结节周围的肝细胞易呈明显阳性,一种小而核深染的多角细胞常呈强阳性。
Results The histologic features peculiarly of periductal stromal sarcoma ( epithelioid type) were as follows: ( 1) A predominantly polygonal ( epithelioid) cells stromal proliferated around the epithelial-myoepithelial layer of ducts or ductules devoid of a phyllodes architecture. 结果乳腺管周间质肉瘤(上皮样型)有独特的镜下图像:①显著的多角形(上皮样)细胞绕导管或小管的上皮-肌上皮层呈间质性增生,无叶状结构;
Activities of AKP in the round granular, deltaic fan-like and multinucleate subtegumental cells were weaker in cytoplasm and stronger in the nucleus, while those in the clustered polygonal cells being stronger in cytoplasm, and in the flagellated cells stronger in both nucleus and flagellum part. 圆颗粒细胞、三角扇形细胞及合胞体的AKP活性细胞质较细胞核弱,团簇状排列的细胞主要分布在细胞质,而鞭毛形细胞则集中于细胞核和鞭毛部位;
The tumor tissues contained various vascular sinus between them presented polygonal stroma cells having plomorphic nuclei and foamy cytoplasm. 光镜下瘤组织富于血窦,其间充满多角形的间质细胞,具有异形胞核和泡沫状的胞浆。
Spline blending interpolation scheme over convex polygonal cells 凸多边形单元上的样条Blending插值格式
The cells began to adhere to the wall 4 hours after subculture, and all of them adhered to the wall 8 to 10 hours after subculture, most of which were differentiated into fusiform or polygonal cells with numerous processes. 细胞传代培养后4h开始贴壁,8~10h基本贴壁完全,细胞大部分向梭形、多角形细胞转化,带有数个突起。
Cells no longer clustered into a group and split much slower. Polygonal cells body transformed into fusiform. Formed one or a few long axons, cells were obvious polarity. 细胞不再聚集成团,分裂明显减慢,开始向神经元分化:胞体由多角形变为椭圆形,形成一根或几根较长轴突,细胞呈现出明显的极性。
The formation of e polygonal cells may be the result of epithelial mesenchymal transition. 多角形细胞的形成可能是上皮细胞间质转化的结果。
The induction group cells aggregation growth as flake-shaped or polygonal, which was positive for Alcian blue staining; control cells still showed the typical long fusiform adherent growth, Alcian blue staining was negative. 3. 诱导组细胞呈磷片形或多角形聚集生长,阿尔辛蓝染色呈阳性;对照组细胞依旧呈典型的长梭状贴壁生长,阿尔辛蓝染色呈阴性。
RT-PCR We extract RNA of polygonal cells and cuboidal cells, and then RT-PCR was performed. RT-PCR分析将提取到多角形细胞和表面立方细胞的RNA分别进行RT-PCR。
Primary mesenchymal stem cells were round, spindle, polygonal. The cells were purified by passage and became into long fusiform. 细胞形态观察:原代培养的间充质干细胞呈圆形、梭形、多角形,传代纯化后呈均一的长梭形。
Application Yihong-hematoxylin staining ( HE) can be observed in the purified cells, which have diverse polygonal, oval, clear cell boundaries. The cells have transparent cytoplasm, round nuclear or a small bubble. 应用伊红-苏木素染色法(HE),可观察到纯化的细胞形态多样,呈多角形或卵圆形,细胞界限清楚,胞浆透明,核圆或呈小泡状。